Sometimes the immune system can combat the gynae causing virus
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Most of the infections in the vulva, cervix, and vagina can be cleared by the immune system of the body. But if the infection is severe leading to serious health troubles, then it is attributed to the precancerous cells present in the cervix. In that case, abnormal smear test helps in diagnosing the extent of cancer and give proper treatment. Cervical screening done with smear tests can help in detecting the abnormal cells in the cervix or vulva.
What is the primary cause behind cervical cancer?
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The Human Papilloma Virus or HPV is said to be the primary cause behind Cervical Cancer. There are numerous variants of this virus. There are particular types of this virus which are considered as high risk for this cancer, and they are transmitted through intercourse. This means that if a woman has had sex with a single partner all through her life, the chances of having cervical cancer cannot be eradicated. There are several ways to treat, diagnose and prevent cervical cancer and one should consult with experts to know more about this.
Condoms offer protection against common gynecological cancers.
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Condoms cannot provide full protection from HPV virus since the skin near the genitals may also carry the virus, and a condom does not cover the area. Regular health check-ups and recommended vaccinations are the most effective means of preventing and curing different types of gynecological cancer. Condoms offer protection from many other sexually transmitted diseases, but not from gynecological cancer. It is recommended to get vaccinated once in a while to steer clear from some of the most common gynecological cancer.
How is the common gynae cancer transmitted?
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Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a very easily transmitted disease and can be transmitted through sexual contact and also through genital skin contact that doesn t involve penetration. It has been found that about 75 percent of women are infected with HPV borne cancers, and they only come to know about it after opting for a smear test. It is recommended to be watchful about one s health and undergo the smear test from time to time.
In recent times, HPV vaccinations have been invented to treat gynecological cancers.
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Vaccines have been developed for preventing the HPV infection. It is a course of three injections which is given through 6 months. It has been tested in a few thousands of women and has been proven to be safe as well as effective. Prevention is better than cure. Opt for vaccinations to prevent HPV infections after consulting with your doctor. If the HPV vaccinations lead to redness in the skin, there is nothing to worry about as the discolouration and discomfort would subside in some time.