What are the things that need to be tested when ovulation problems occur due to hormonal imbalances?
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Ovulation problems occur due to various reasons one of which is a hormonal imbalance. If a person is suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS, then she is bound to have ovulation problems and must go for treatment for PCOS. If your hypothalamus or pituitary gland is not functioning properly then too you may not ovulate properly and must take the required hormones under the guidance of your doctor. If ovulations problems arise due to hormonal imbalances, the right medicine along with a proper diet can solve the problem.
What are the possible causes for ovulation problems?
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Hormonal imbalance may result in conditions like PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) which leads to problems in ovulation. Problems in Pituitary glands and Hypothalamus may result in a hormonal imbalance. Structural problems in the ovaries such as ovarian cysts also may affect ovulation. Other general problems like thyroid problems, being overweight, stress, etc. may also affect the menstrual cycle which in turn result in ovulation problems. Chemotherapy to treat cancer may also result in abnormal ovulation.
Controlling thyroid problems can also help treating irregular ovulation.
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The menstrual cycle is very intricately related to the endocrine system as well. So, a perfect balance in the hormone levels is necessary for the ovulation to take place normally. Both an over-active and under-active thyroid can lead to ovulations problems. You can take doses of thyroxin under the supervision of a doctor to restore the functioning of the thyroid and thus the menstrual cycle.
A planned diet and daily exercise can never help in restoring the normal ovulation.
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Out of the many causes that lead to ovulation problems, obesity is one. Obese women are prone to ovulation problems much more than others. In that case, keeping the body weight under control by doing daily exercise and having a planned diet can help a lot. The body mass index or (BMI) should be kept in the normal range. Avoid greasy food and fast foods should not be consumed at all.
Ovulation drugs restore the FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) in women.
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Bravelle is a drug that helps in restoring the levels of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) in women. This hormone is highly responsible for bringing about ovulation. But it is not used alone. It is used with another hormone that stimulates ovulation, that is, hCG. With both of these hormones administered to your body, you can get rid of ovulation problems. This drug can be injected into your body. Bravelle can also be taken orally. So, if you don t want injections, you have another option.