Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, B.Pharma, MD - Alternate Medicine
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Gurgaon
24 years experience
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What is the recommended daily calorie intake for a woman after 40?
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At the age of 40 years, women need around 1,800 to 2,200 calories on a regular basis to keep up their healthy weight which depends on the level of activity as well. And if you are required to lose some extra pounds, it is safe to reduce the calorie intake by around 500 to 1000 which would mean about 1,200 to 1,600 calories is needed to stay healthy and active. Take more fiber and protein and cut down the carbohydrates.
Which of these foods are not recommended for women aged over 40 years?
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Women who are aged over 40 should try to limit or completely cut down certain foods for maintaining the healthy body weight while also reducing the risk of certain chronic deadly diseases. These include high blood pressure, high blood sugar, heart diseases, high cholesterol and many others. Therefore, you should avoid unhealthy food choices such as sugary beverages, high-fat dairy products, refined grains, deep-fried and processed foods, white rice and white bread. You should consult a nutritionist to know which food choices are safe for you.
Women aged over 40 should limit the consumption of protein.
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In order to maintain the lean muscle mass, you should eat plenty of protein-rich foods. This would also help in maintaining the metabolism and satiating you while also boosting energy expenditure. You should, therefore, try to take around 46 grams of protein on a day to day basis. Take more soy products, nuts, seeds, low-fat dairy products, egg whites, and legumes.
Whole grains are recommended for aging women.
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Whole grains are known for their ability to combat surging blood pressure and slowdown of metabolism. As a person ages, the walls of the artery and heart start to thicken and stiffen while the metabolism takes a backseat. When you replace refined grains in the form of white rice in favor of whole wheat bread and oats, it will help your body get more fibers. This will not just prevent weight gain but also help you lose the excess weight that you have gained. Drink enough fluids to regulate your system.
Consuming differently colored fruits and vegetables is a must.
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Eating salad not only gives you only you the daily dose of nutrients but also provides a high amount of fiber. Taking a mixture of foods of varied colors in the form of lettuce, spinach, carrots, beetroot, broccoli, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, red radish, black olives and all others that catch your sight will work wonders for your health. Also, when it comes to fruits, you have endless options in berries, raisins, oranges, apples, and bananas. You should aim to lower down the sodium level.