MCH - Reproductive Medicine & Surgery, MS - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
IVF Specialist, Chennai
14 years experience
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Are hormone treatments necessary during the egg donation?
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The woman receiving the egg is prepared with hormone treatment. If her ovaries are functioning, estrogen and progesterone treatments are given. This is to ensure her cycle matches the cycle of the donor. The donor also is given hormone treatment for superovulation.
Are the costs high when choosing to become pregnant with donor eggs?
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Though your doctor fee and chances of getting pregnant also determine the total cost, it can be safely assumed the cost of getting pregnant with donor eggs is high. This is because you need to bear all financial costs of the retrieval process and the complications that might arise because of it. This is apart from the charges for the egg to be transferred to you. The doctor is going to charge you for the entire procedure.
Anyone can become an egg donor.
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When you want to become an egg donor, several factors are considered. Sexual practices, contraception used, menstrual cycle, and genetics are considered to find if you are eligible. A pelvic examination is carried out, and examination for hepatitis is done. Screening for various infectious diseases is done. A doctor also reviews the application of the woman who wants to become a donor. After a vigorous screening, the eligibility is confirmed. This means, not every woman can become an egg donor.
If you have female genetic disorders, donor eggs can rule out the problem.
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Genetic disorders are passed through the parents to the children. Non-viable embryos and birth defects can be prevented, when you go for the donor eggs. The risks can be avoided and healthy babies can be produced.
Donating eggs 6 times is recommended as a standard practice.
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When you donate eggs for more than 6 times, you are at a risk of complications such as bleeding. Apart from your health, you would be donating eggs to bring more half-siblings, which can be a great problem in the future. Though there is no registry to control this, you need to take care of this yourself.