If you have cancer in one part of your body like lungs etc. then you are at a high risk of contracting brain cancer. The reason is simple. Our body has a lot of blood vessels that carry blood from one part of the body to another. If a '' seed '' of cancer into the bloodstream to another area, then it may settle in the brain area after travelling with the blood. If you have cancer in some other part of the body then you must get yourself checked regularly to rule out the chances of getting brain cancer.
Who is at greater risk of getting brain cancer
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Research suggests that the risk of contracting brain cancer increases with age. The elderly are more likely to get afflicted by brain cancer than the kids and teens. However, some brain cancers like brainstem gliomas and astrocytomas occur exclusively in children. Gliomas begin in the spinal cord or brain area. Consult your doctor if you are experiencing symptoms of cancer. If you are above 50, then you must consult your doctor more frequently.
Limiting exposure to radiation reduces the risk of brain cancer
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If you are in a profession that requires you to work with ionising devices then it is better to limit your exposure to such radiation. X-ray technicians must wear protective gear for protecting themselves from cancer. Some research papers suggest that mobile radiation also triggers brain cancer. However, nothing conclusive has been proved in this respect. It is also suggested by some cancer experts that Ultraviolet radiation may also cause brain cancer. Wear a sunscreen if you have to walk very often in sunlight.
Changing diet and food habits may reduce the risk of brain cancer
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Stay away from fatty foods and moderate your cholesterol levels. High cholesterol may trigger brain cancer. Similarly, if you eat a lot of green vegetables and fruits, then there is a significantly lesser risk of you getting brain cancer. If your mother ate a lot of fruits and vegetables during her pregnancy, then you have very little chance of getting brain cancer. Include a lot of green, leafy vegetables in your diet and stay away from fat-rich foods.
Exercise reduces the risk of getting brain cancer
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Exercise lowers our cholesterol level and thus reduces the risk of brain cancer. Doctors believe that regular exercise is not just beneficial to health but also prevents brain cancer. Walking 10,000 steps per day is a great way to be fit and remain healthy. Jogging, running, brisk walking, swimming etc. are some of the cardiovascular exercises that you can adopt. You must exercise at least 4 times a week to prevent brain cancer from afflicting you. Each session must last for not less than 45 minutes.