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Brain Surgery In Children - Common Do's & Don'ts!

DNB - Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery, MS - Orthopaedics, MBBS
Neurosurgeon, Hyderabad  •  37 years experience
Brain Surgery In Children - Common Do's & Don'ts!
After undergoing brain surgery, children are advised to avoid playing contact sports for a month.
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Brain Surgery In Children - Common Do's & Don'ts!
How long does it take to get the child ready for brain surgery in the operating theatre?
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Brain Surgery In Children - Common Do's & Don'ts!
Children s brain surgery is not always done to fulfil the purpose of removing tumours.
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Brain Surgery In Children - Common Do's & Don'ts!
Which of the following is the child most likely to experience after the surgery?
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Brain Surgery In Children - Common Do's & Don'ts!
Sometimes a child is brought back to consciousness while undergoing brain surgery.
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