Which of these factors determine the most effective treatment of brain tumor?
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The treatment for brain tumor mainly depends on the location, size and type of the tumor along with the overall clinical condition of the patient and his personal preferences. For instance, if the brain tumor is located in an area which is easily accessible, then surgery could be the best means of removing as much as possible. Otherwise, radiation therapy and radiosurgery can help in targeting the tumor cells and destroy them. Discuss with your neurosurgeon to decide the best possible course of action.
When does the neurosurgeon consider performing a traditional brain tumor surgery?
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In some patients with brain tumor, the tumor is small enough and located in areas which can be easily accessed and segregated. In such conditions, the surgeon would remove the whole tumor without any complications. But there are conditions where it is not possible to separate the tumors from the surrounding brain tissues or they are placed in sensitive areas of the brain, making the surgery a riskier option. In other cases, alternative options are available, so no need to worry.
Radiation therapy which is an important part of the brain tumor treatment uses high energy beams.
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Radiation therapy is used where the brain tumor is located in areas which are not possible to access from outside. This treatment utilizes high energy beams such as protons and X-rays for killing the tumor cells. It can either be administered through a machine outside of the body and in rare instances, it can also be placed inside the body which is close to the tumor. This type of radiation therapy is termed as brachytherapy. Be aware of the side effects of the radiation therapy.
Stereotactic surgery is a conventional surgical treatment of brain tumor.
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Stereotactic surgery is a commonly opted treatment for radiation therapy, but it is not a type of traditional surgery. This method utilizes numerous beams of radiation for directing highly concentrated form of radiation at tumor cells to destroy them in a very small space. The points where all beams meet at the tumor is very powerful and kills the tumor cells effectively. Consult with your surgeon regarding the most suitable procedure.
Targeted drug therapy is also used for treating a brain tumor.
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The targeted drug therapy is an effective treatment for the brain tumor which focuses on particular abnormalities in the tumor cells. When these abnormalities are blocked, the drug therapy causes the cancer cells to die. There are drug therapy treatments for damaging both benign and cancerous tumors in the brain. The treatment methods depend on the individual condition.