Surgical Gastroenterologist, Coimbatore
28 years experience
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What are some symptoms of a hiatal hernia?
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Hiatal hernia can be present without any symptoms for years. However, in some, there could be heartburn similar to gastroesophageal reflux. When there is too much pressure, there could be chest and/or abdominal pain which can mimic a heart attack too. A hiatal hernia, when asymptomatic, can be monitored frequently to see if it requires intervention.
Not all types of hiatal hernia requires surgical intervention.
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It is not enough to just have the equipment clean. It is very important the only the medication prescribed for you is used by you. Do not use expired, damaged, or discoloured medications. The medicines also should be stored in a cool, dry environment. Extremes of temperature can spoil the chemical structure of the medication and its efficacy. When in doubt, check the medication to ensure it is the correct formulation and dosage.
What are some treatment options for a hiatal hernia?
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Many patients with a hiatal hernia present with no clinical symptoms at all. In these people, watchful observation is sufficient. If there are pain and/or heartburn symptoms, these can be managed if required when severe. Severe cases require laparoscopic surgery wherein the portion of the stomach which has pushed itself through the hiatus (weak diaphragm) needs to be pulled back and stitched in place. A plug may also be placed to prevent recurrence. Hiatal hernias are now often operated laparoscopically. So, hospital stay, the risk of anesthesia, and postop care are minimalized.
Hiatal hernia can be prevented from worsening.
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Hiatal hernia is hereditary, and oftentimes, the exact cause for the hernia is not known. Weak muscles in the diaphragm is one cause. However, excessive pressure on the abdomen can be reduced by managing weight, avoiding lifting excessive weight, strenuous coughing, sneezing, extra care during pregnancy, etc. These can help in worsening of the situation, and the condition can be monitored. If hiatal hernia is suspected during routine abdominal examination, ask your doctor if a barium swallow needs to be done for confirmation of the diagnosis.
What are the most common causes for a hiatal hernia?
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Hiatal hernia is the most common form of hernia. The diaphragm separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity, and when there is a weakness in the diaphragm, the abdominal contents push themselves into the thoracic cavity through this area. This is known as hiatal hernia. Though heredity is the most common cause, lifting heavy equipment, pregnancy, and obesity also can cause this condition. If you have a family history of hiatal hernia, then avoid heavy pressure on the abdomen.