Homeopathy Doctor, Secunderabad
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Sterilized bacteria can treat restlessness in children.
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If the child is very restless and seeks constant stimulation, then the homoeopathic medicine tuberculinum is the cure. Tuberculinum is prepared from sterilized bacteria. Children with ADHD have been seen to express improved behaviour after regular use of this remedy.
It is ADHD if your child is active.
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Most of the children are naturally active and restless but not most children have ADHD. In order for activity and restlessness to be termed as symptoms of ADHD, they need to fulfill certain criteria. The first being that the symptoms must manifest itself in at least two different settings( school and home). The symptoms should also create significant impairment in social, academic or occupational functioning or relationships and must be present for atleast six months.
Which one of the following natural products used in homoeopathy treats violent behaviour in children?
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Children with ADHD often tend to get violent towards others. Stramonium, a homoeopathic medicine sourced from Devil's snare is one of the most popular and effective homoeopathic remedy for children with ADHD. In low doses, this medicine helps to reduce violent behaviour in children and makes them less hostile toward others.
Which of these is a symptom of ADHD?
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Children suffering from ADHD express a myriad of symptoms ranging from hyperactivity to inattention. They are easily distracted, forget to do tasks, squirms and fidgets a lot, doesn't stay in a place for long, has trouble waiting for his/her turn and so on.
Exposure to toxic substances causes ADHD.
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Researchers have found an association between mothers who consumed tobacco and alcohol during pregnancy and development of behaviour and learning problems in their children. Similarly, exposure to lead have been linked to hyperactivity, especially if the exposure happened in the first 3 years. Nicotine, alcohol and lead can be toxic to developing brain tissue causing behavioural problems in children.