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Exposure To Toxic Substances Cause ADHD. True or False?

MBBS, MF- Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Secunderabad  •  10 years experience
Exposure To Toxic Substances Cause ADHD. True or False?
Sterilized bacteria can treat restlessness in children.
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Exposure To Toxic Substances Cause ADHD. True or False?
It is ADHD if your child is active.
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Exposure To Toxic Substances Cause ADHD. True or False?
Which one of the following natural products used in homoeopathy treats violent behaviour in children?
3 of 5
Exposure To Toxic Substances Cause ADHD. True or False?
Which of these is a symptom of ADHD?
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Exposure To Toxic Substances Cause ADHD. True or False?
Exposure to toxic substances causes ADHD.
5 of 5

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