Diploma In Psychological Medicine, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery
Psychiatrist, Pune
39 years experience
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What is the most common problem that is associated with dementia?
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Dementia patients are unable to recall events, names of places, phone numbers, and where they have kept everyday items. They also may find it difficult to communicate with others. Also, mood imbalances, depression, and language-related difficulties are associated with dementia. Some patients may suffer from incontinence while others may experience hallucinations. There are several types of dementia, and a diagnosis is required to ascertain the kind of dementia that one is suffering from.
Which among these is one of the causes of dementia? `
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Dementia is of four common types, and the causes can vary according to the type. While inheriting dementia is rare, however, the genetic considerations are more pronounced in the Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD). An active lifestyle and healthy dietary habits can greatly reduce the case of dementia. If dementia runs in your family, you can consult a geneticist to determine the chances of you getting affected and taking the preventive measures if any.
One of the main symptoms of dementia is memory loss.
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Patients affected by dementia have memory loss problems which tend to get worse over a period. To put in simple terms, the disorder is progressive in nature. There are several causes for the onset of this mental disorder, but memory loss is perceived in all cases. In addition to memory problems, the afflicted groups may also be rendered unable to communicate and carry out daily tasks. Memory loss is not always associated with dementia or medical issues. Other factors that can affect your memory include depression, anxiety, stress and nutritional deficiencies.
Medical conditions are never responsible for the dementia disorder.
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As people get older, they become susceptible to mild cognitive impairment and in severe cases, dementia. However, there are several other causes of Dementia including medical conditions such as Alzheimer s disease, Vascular dementia, Frontotemporal dementia and Lewy body dementia. In rare cases, other medical problems such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson s disease, Huntington s disease and HIV-linked cognitive impairment are recognized to be the underlying causes of dementia. Treating the underlying medical conditions can bring relief to symptoms caused by dementia.
One of the most common causes of dementia is Alzheimer s disease.
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Research studies indicate that Alzheimer s disease is one of the most common causes of dementia. In persons affected with Alzheimer s, there is a build-up of injured tissues in the brain that give rise to deposits called as plaques.' Consequently, this phenomenon causes the death of the brain cells and also, has a damaging effect on the brain chemicals, primarily acetylcholine. The acetylcholine is an organic chemical, responsible for transmission of messages between the bodily cells. An effective way of preventing dementia and other infirmities includes abstaining from alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking and drug abuse.