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Asthma - Effective Ways It Can Be Controlled!

Diploma in Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases (DTCD), Board Certified in Pulmonary Medicine, FCCP - Pulmonary Medicine
Pulmonologist, Nagpur  •  34 years experience
Asthma - Effective Ways It Can Be Controlled!
Which of these drugs are most effective ways to control Asthma?
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Asthma - Effective Ways It Can Be Controlled!
Level of Asthma control is the best if the patient is in this zone:
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Asthma - Effective Ways It Can Be Controlled!
Symptoms of an Asthmatic patient include:
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Asthma - Effective Ways It Can Be Controlled!
The asthmatic patient is able to perform normal sports activities if he is taking the medication as prescribed.
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Asthma - Effective Ways It Can Be Controlled!
To check normal breathing the Doctor advises the patient to do the following tests:
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