The asthmatic patient is able to perform normal sports activities if he is taking the medication as prescribed.
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While it is true that taking medication will keep the asthmatic patient fine most of the time, an unusual increase in physical activity should be avoided as it may trigger an Asthma attack. If an asthmatic patient must take part in active sports, the patient is advised to take two puffs before beginning the sport and keep taking two puffs at regular intervals while taking part in active sports.
Which of these drugs are most effective ways to control Asthma?
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Long-term control medications such as inhaled corticosteroids are the most important medications used to keep asthma under control. These preventive medications treat the airway inflammation that leads to asthma symptoms. Used on a daily basis, these medications can reduce or eliminate asthma flare-ups. Long-term control medications are the key to keeping asthma controlled and in the green zone. It is important to know how to use asthma medications properly. Asthma will only be under control if the medications are used correctly.
Symptoms of an Asthmatic patient include:
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All the aforementioned symptoms are that of an asthmatic patient. Besides these many other symptoms such as chest pain and waking up from sleep in the middle of the night due to loss of breath during sleep are other symptoms as well. If any of these patients are experienced by the patient for over 3-4 days, it is wise to consult a doctor.
Level of Asthma control is the best if the patient is in this zone:
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Green Zone is the safest zone for the asthmatic patient. The correct order for safety is Green Zone> Yellow Zone> Red zone, wherein the red zone becomes completely limiting for the asthmatic patient. The patient in the red zone requires critical treatment as the lung test reading drops to less than 60%. The earlier medication starts for the patient, the better it will be to avoid the patient from entering any of the dangerous zones of Asthma.
To check normal breathing the Doctor advises the patient to do the following tests:
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The peak flow test is done with a handheld device called a peak flow meter. A peak expiratory flow measurement indicates how fast you can force air out of your lungs. Peak flow readings are gauged as a percentage of how your lungs work at their best. This is called your personal best peak flow. Spirometry tests can be done at your doctor's clinic with a machine called a spirometer. Some people use a hand-held spirometer to take measurements at home. Both tests are accurate, however, to check the breathing it is always advised by the Doctor to undergo both tests individually to get a better picture of the lung health.