M A Psychology, Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy, Post Graduate Diploma in Child Guidance
Psychologist, Navi Mumbai
31 years experience
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Bipolar disorder is mandatorily heredity.
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It is true that bipolar disorder is heredity. If the parent has it, the child may also get it. But this does not mean that everybody with bipolar disorder inherits it from their parents or a close relative. It can happen because of some abnormality in the bone structure as well. The disorder may also get triggered due to certain environmental factors too like traumatic experiences, extreme stress and physical illness.
Legal and severe financial problems are a result of bipolar disorder.
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Legal and financial problems are a complication of bipolar disorder. The other complications as a result of this disorder are damaged relationships, suicide or suicidal attempts, poor performance at school or work and alcohol and drug abuse. Since, bipolar people suffer from extreme mood disorders like a manic or a depressive disorder. In such extreme moods, the person will not be able to take rational decisions and they will especially be affected by hyperactivity or no activity at all.
Choose the medication that are used for treatment of bipolar disorder
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Olanzapine, benzodiazepine, alprazolam and fluoxetine-olanzapine are drugs that are used for treatment of mood disorders. These drugs act as anti-depressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers and anti-anxiety medications.
Which one of the following is a bipolar disorder?
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Cyclothymia is another type of bipolar disorder but is more chronic and in milder form. Cyclic ranges of highs and lows of mood persist for about 2 years or more in case of cyclothymia. The lows would represent a mild form of depression whereas a high represents a symptomatic hypomania. Neither depression nor the mania is in their extremes.
If you have frequent arguments with your partner, you are bipolar.
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Bipolar disorder is characterised by extremely frequent mood changes and is a mental illness. The mood changes can range from being extremely elated to be extremely depressed. People with bipolar disorder have difficulty in maintaining relationships and have frequent arguments and fights. Bipolar people may experience mania and feel frequent emotional high. They may feel impulsive, excited and energetic during manic episodes.