DNB (Surgical gastroenterology, MS( General Surgery), MBBS, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery, Fellow of International College of Robotic Surgeons
Surgical Gastroenterologist, Delhi
18 years experience
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What are the possible symptoms of Cirrhosis?
1 of 5
A person can easily understand that he or she is suffering from Cirrhosis as they come across some typical symptoms. People get bruised and hence lead to bleeding very easily. Their color of skin and eyes convert to yellow. Moreover, their abdomen get accumulated with fluid.
People can lose weight because of this problem?
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Usually, people, who suffer from this latter stage of a liver problem known as Cirrhosis, suffer from weight loss. It occurs because of people's loss of appetite.
What are the possible causes leading to Cirrhosis?
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Some of the major reasons behind the occurrence of this problem known as Cirrhosis are, heavy intake of alcohol leading to its abuse. Moreover, the consumption of items that contain a high content of fat can result in it getting accumulated in the liver, hence causing disturbance to its functioning.
One major complication arising out of Cirrhosis is that it allows toxins to get built up in the brain.
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It is true as, a damaged liver because of Cirrhosis, makes it unable to clear off toxins from the blood. Hence, toxins build up in the brain, thus causing mental confusion and difficulty in concentrating.
What are some of the treatment options for Cirrhosis?
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This problem of Cirrhosis can be managed by bringing forth modifications in diet and through keeping weight and blood sugar level under check. People can opt for surgical options like Band Ligation and Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunting as well. These options can help to keep the dangerous symptoms at bay. However, the only curative treatment is Liver Transplantation for long term survival.