MBBS, CCEBDM , Master in Family Medicine, MRCP (UK)
Diabetologist, Bangalore
17 years experience
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The cornerstone for leading a healthy life for a diabetic patient is,
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The fundamental principle for a diabetic patient to lead a healthy and normal life is healthy eating and a balanced diet. The food rich in sugar or beverages which are sweetened with sugar should be avoided. Your diet should include green leafy vegetables and food with high fiber content. But, you should have the knowledge about which food will affect your blood sugar in what manner. Visit your doctor or a specific dietician to know about the choices of food and how to balance them.
Doing regular exercise can increase a component in a diabetic patient known as
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Doing regular exercise can increase the amount of HDL or high-density lipoproteins in our blood. HDL is known to be the good cholesterol. Thus, there is nothing better than a regular exercise plan to keep diabetes under control without any kind of medication. Reducing HDL in patients with diabetes will also reduce their risk towards cardiovascular health problems.
Tip: Put on your favorite music during a workout to get even more energized and motivated to lose calories.
For the patients who have Type 1 diabetes, insulin should never be given to them.
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The patients who have Type 1 diabetes are always reported to have a profound deficiency of insulin. The keystone to keeping diabetes in check is to inject insulin. The main problem of patients with Type 1 diabetes is that the insulin level in their body decreases sharply so in addition to exercising regularly and a balanced diet, and insulin injection or insulin pump is very important.
Tip: Injecting insulin will never be enough if you do no control your diet so eat healthy.
Emotional stress can increase the blood sugar level in your body.
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Emotional stress increases the amount of stress hormones in our blood like adrenaline, cortisol or epinephrine. These hormones in turn act to release the stored glucose into our bloodstream. Another impact of the release of these stress hormones is that they make the tissues insulin resistant. Thus, the blood sugar level increases sharply. So, emotional stress is directly related to the blood sugar level in our body. Stay happy and do not worry about a thing. Seek a trusted person to share your feelings and unburden yourself.
People suffering from diabetes should keep a check on their blood pressure level.
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Those who are suffering from diabetes have an increased risk of getting heart disease, stroke or even kidney diseases. On the other hand, a high blood pressure also increases the risk of a heart attack or other cardiovascular problems. Thus, high blood sugar and high blood pressure is a lethal combination that should be avoided otherwise the risk of heart problems will increase by two-folds. Always keep a check on your blood pressure level and the moment you see it increasing seek for the doctor s advice.