Practical Course In Diabetology, Post Graduate Course In Diabetology, MBBS
Endocrinologist, Jammu
42 years experience
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Which among these can cause diabetes?
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Processed food like pasta is considered as one of the most fatal contributors to the onset of diabetes. It is generally recommended by doctors to stay away from processed food in order to diminish the chances of suffering from diabetes. On the other hand, one can always continue to have your share of cheese and canned fruit juices in moderation.
You must abstain from sweets completely if suffering from diabetes.
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Those who suffer from diabetes complain of being deprived of sweets. In fact, this word of mouth has been established as a fact over the years. However, if doctors are to be believed, a complete banishment of sweets is no solution for diabetes. If taken in moderate amounts, sweets can cause no harm; neither can they aggravate the condition.
Which among these should be incorporated in the diet in order to stay away from diabetes?
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A disease or a condition can be avoided not only by eliminating certain foods from the diet list but also by incorporating some. The choice should be well thought out. It is important that you include a lot of eggs and small fishes like sardines in your diet to protect yourself from a potential onset of diabetes.
'Sugar-free' food is the way to go
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As the list of 'what not to eat' increases by leaps and bounds for those who suffer from diabetes, foods which claim to be sugar-free appear as the only ray of hope. However, according to research, those food or cereals which make such claims are no better than the ones which have sugar in them.
Not consuming carbohydrates is the way to go during diabetes
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Once you are diagnosed with diabetes, you would try to stay clear of carbohydrates in order to curb the condition. However, such a precautionary measure is unnecessary. The way that you must follow is not absolute abstinence rather moderation. Include carbohydrate in your diet but just make sure that you do consume it in excess.