Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
13 years experience
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Almonds belong to the peach family.
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Almonds are essentially the hard-shelled fruit belonging to the almond tree. This tree is classified into the prunus family. This family includes peaches, shrubs, nectarines, and cherries. This should be obvious if you think about the shape of almonds and compare it to the pits of most fruits.
Almonds have the most amount of calcium among any nuts
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Almonds have one of the least amounts of calories when it comes to nuts. Per serving of almond comes with just 160 calories. 9 grams of monounsaturated fats, 6 grams of protein and 3.5 gms of fibre are acquired from one serving of almonds. Even though almonds have high cholesterol, these are HDL or good kind of cholesterols. These do not cause heart problems, but in turn, reduces the risk of cardiac disorders. The calcium-rich nature of the nut leads to better maintenance and development of bones and joints.
How many almonds should an ideal serving include?
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One healthy serving for almonds should include 23 nuts. Almonds are good for your overall health, but it should be eaten in moderation. Consuming too many almonds at once may be counterproductive and may end up harming your body. The best way to avoid overeating almonds is to portion them out into small packets so that you stay within the recommended level of consumption. 23 almonds will give you around 164 calories and eat too many more may lead to weight gain.
How does eating almonds help prediabetic patients?
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A study has discovered that when prediabetic patients consume a small snack of almonds prior to any meal, it prevents them from feeling hungry soon after. This in turn, prevents overeating and hyperglycaemia. Even though not everyone may feel the benefits of almonds in the same way, research has shown that the nuts act as a filler and leaves you feeling less hungry.
Almonds reduce the glucose and insulin levels in the blood.
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A study performed in 2011 revealed that just consuming 45 almonds lowered the glucose and insulin levels of the blood significantly. However, lifestyle and diet changes must also be followed in order to get these benefits.