Internal Medicine Specialist, Mumbai
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Diabetes is considered a metabolic disorder characterized by an elevated level of
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The Beta cells of the pancreas are involved in the production of Insulin. Insulin is a vital hormone that ensures a proper regulation and utilization of glucose by the body. In Diabetes, there is either inadequate production (or no production) of insulin by the Beta cells or the body fails to utilize the insulin produced (often referred to as Insulin Resistance). As a result, the blood glucose level shoots up (Hyperglycemia), a characteristic feature of Diabetes. Diabetes, if not managed on time can wreak havoc triggering thyroid problems, eye disorders and a host of other complications.
The diet of a diabetic patient should be rich in
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The diet can play a significant role in the management of diabetes. The good fats (walnuts, almonds, avocados, peanut oil, olive oil) primarily comprising of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are good for the health and goes a long way in lowering the blood cholesterol level. Foods rich in fiber (dark colored vegetables, apples, strawberries, raspberries, banana, beans, lentils) can work wonders to keep the blood glucose level within control. Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, sardines, tuna are beneficial for diabetic patients. Diabetes does not mean a complete elimination of carbohydrates from the diet. Whole grain bread, sweet potatoes, lentils, greek yogurt, oatmeal, can indeed be a healthy option for diabetic patients.
One of the steps in managing diabetes is through
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Obesity and lack of physical activity can act as triggers resulting in an elevated blood glucose level. Thus, it is essential for diabetic patients to stay fit. Regular exercise and physical activities (yoga, meditation, jogging, morning and evening walks) can play a significant role in controlling diabetes and the blood glucose level. In an endeavor to achieve maximum results, don't overdo yourself.
For diabetic patients, missing out on prescribed medicines is at times beneficial
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Diabetic patients, especially those with very high blood glucose level cannot afford to miss the medicines even for a day. Patients who need to take insulin daily should be careful with the dosage. It is also essential to monitor the blood glucose level regularly (Glucometers are readily available in the market). Diabetic patients are always advised to keep their medications and glucose tablets or candies handy (in case of a sugar fall).
Giving up on alcohol consumption or drinking within limits can go a long way in managing diabetes
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Increased alcohol consumption is a big NO for diabetic patients. Not known to many, but an increased alcohol consumption can result in a dip in the blood glucose level (at times dangerously low). For diabetic patients, it is unhealthy to consume alcohol and related beverages on an empty stomach. If you are obese and diabetic, it is best to alcoholic beverages (high in calories).