MS - Orthopaedics, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, Fellow In Joint Replacement And Arthoscopy Surgery
Orthopedic Doctor, Nashik
22 years experience
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Fibromyalgia requires life-long pain medications
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Management of fibromyalgia is often with a multi-pronged approach which includes painkillers, exercise, and other alternate therapies which are gaining popularity. With long-term use of painkillers having their own side effects, the emphasis is shifting to the use of alternative therapies like yoga and acupressure. Massages are also gaining popularity. Exercise regime should be drawn up keeping in mind improving the muscle strength as well as not aggravating the pain. Alternate therapies like massages and yoga are highly effective in managing fibromyalgia long term.
What are some symptoms of fibromyalgia?
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Muscles and bones should be healthy for free movement. For whatever reasons, if these are affected, then the movement is disrupted. Fibromyalgia refers to painful the muscles and bones which limits overall movement. This leads to overall lethargy, stiffness, and deep-seated pain which can be generalilzed or localized, constant or intermittent. Fibromyalgia has a typical symptom which is painful tender points, where the pain is prominent when touched upon.
What are some of the effective ways to manage fibromyalgia?
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Fibromyalgia is usually not treated with one single solution. Given that it is a long-term or chronic issue, treatment should be aimed both at temporary relief when there is severe pain and at improving overall muscle strength. This is where measures like yoga, acupuncture, and massages are gaining popularity. Stress management is also a key ingredient to managing fibromyalgia symptoms.
Fibromyalgia is associated with old age.
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Some decades ago, fibromyalgia would be associated mostly with people in their 60s or later. However, with changing lifestyles, this has changed, and there are people in 30s and 40s who have the condition. Adopting a healthy lifestyle early on in life with stress levels managed can help in controlling the onset of fibromyalgia, even if there is a genetic predisposition.
What are some typical triggers for fibromyalgia?
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Fibromyalgia is a syndrome, which is not an isolated issue, but a group of symptoms. Diagnosis is usually confirmed once a detailed discussion about the symptoms is done. The patient usually would present with general body aches and pains, combined with lethargy and inability to keep an active lifestyle. Stress is one of the major pointers to the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. These people also would have other stress-induced conditions like a migraine, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.