MBBS, DNB ( General Surgery ), MNAMS - General Surgery
Gastroenterologist, Pune
27 years experience
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Anti-diarrhoeal medications are useful for eliminating the causes of IBS.
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As per the severity of the causes of the irritable bowel syndrome some antidiarrhoeal medications are necessary for the affected individuals to provide them relief. Depending on the causes of IBS, antispasmodic, anticholinergic, antidepressants and antibiotics are also very useful in managing the symptoms of the condition. Before taking any of the medications, it is recommended that you should get your condition correctly diagnosed by an experienced gastroenterologist.
What are the primary causes of IBS?
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IBS, the abbreviated form of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is a combination of discomfort in the belly or pain accompanied by trouble in the bowel habits. This can happen from an infection that has occurred in the digestive tract. The people who have a family history of IBS are more likely to get the disease inherited. Also, some changes in the hormonal balance in the body might cause IBS. The main trouble with bowel habits in IBS is either diarrhea or constipation. You should consult with a gastroenterologist to learn the details of the treatment procedure.
Foods that cause inflammation results in IBS.
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The causes of irritable bowel syndrome are still not exactly known, and hence it becomes challenging to get the exact treatment procedure. If you take the foods that cause inflammation can have a direct impact on causing irritable bowel syndrome. It is advisable to consume foods that are anti-inflammatory in nature such as tomatoes, olive oil, etc. which effectively fights with irritable bowel syndrome.
What are the factors that can trigger IBS symptoms?
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Though the factors triggering IBS may vary from one to another individual, intolerance to certain foods is found to have a direct correlation. Similarly, IBS and stress are related as well. So, if you experience IBS symptoms such as flatulence, bloating and abdominal cramp that gets relieved after a bowel movement, you must consult a gastroenterologist to identify the cause and avail treatment accordingly. It is recommended that you should not overeat in these situations which will ease your discomfort to some extent.
Eating Habits have an impact on IBS.
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A direct connection has still not been established with eating and IBS, but there is definitely some link with food consumed, eating habits and irritable bowel syndrome. You should consume a diet which is easy to digest so that it does not put too much pressure on the stomach can help to ease the causes of IBS. At the same time, the inclusion of fibers in the diet will contribute to keeping the bowel system clear. It is recommended that you should follow healthy eating habits which can have a positive effect in reducing the causes of IBS.