Internal Medicine Specialist, Faizabad
43 years experience
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Which of these is a symptom of lactose intolerance?
1 of 5
Some of the common symptoms of lactose intolerance include abdominal pain and bloating, gas, nausea and diarrhea, though these are not exclusive to lactose intolerance.
Lactose intolerance is a milk allergy
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Lactose intolerance is the deficiency of the enzyme lactase that is necessary to break down the sugar lactose contained in milk. A milk allergy, on the other hand, occurs when your body has an immunoreaction to milk proteins and can also be life threatening.
It is always present from birth
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Most people develop lactose intolerance with age or due to risk factors such as infections of the intestine and treatment for cancers.
Which of the following forms of milk contains lactose?
4 of 5
Lactose is present in all of these three forms of milk- cow's, sheep's and goat's. However, the amount present in goat's and sheep's milk is lesser than in that of cows. Even then, it is not a negligible amount.
You can never have milk
5 of 5
It is impossible that your body produces no lactase at all; hence, finding your threshold level should allow you to comfortably consume some milk. Consuming lactose-free milk or lactase pills before consuming dairy products are other ways to make sure your lactose intolerance does not limit your milk intake.