Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MS Ayurveda, Ph. D Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Bangalore
26 years experience
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Chronic pain is often a symptom of depression
1 of 5
Being in constant pain can be a tell-tale sign of depression. On the other hand, being in constant pain can also make a person depressed and irritable. If you are depressed and are in pain, it can be difficult to understand what the root cause is. Being in constant pain can deprive you of a good night s sleep and this can play havoc in your body and eventually lead to depression.
What is probably the easiest and the cheapest way of dealing with your depression?
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A good 30 mins jog can really enliven you and release endorphins, a hormone that helps fight stress and anxiety. This is probably the reason why therapists often prefer taking a casual stroll with the patient instead of the usual couch sessions . Endorphins also act as natural painkillers and help relieve pain. If you go on a jog with a loved one, surrounded by nature, it can have a calming effect on you.
Alcohol is a depressant and not a stimulant
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Drinking alcohol can give you a momentary rush of excitement and vigor, and the guts to hit the dance floor like you are Michael Jackson. But in reality, alcohol acts as a Central Nervous System depressant. The elated feeling lasts for only a fraction of time, after which the stimulus in the brain ceases and depression kicks in. Over consumption of alcohol can depress the respiratory system and it can be fatal.
Which lifestyle disease is also commonly associated with depression?
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Hypothyroidism is characterised by the low secretion of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is constant irritability and depression. The functions of thyroid hormones are many in number and one of them is acting as a neurotransmitter to regulate serotonin levels in the body. Rubbing some essential oils like lavender and bergamot on your pulse points can relieve depression.
Can spending too much time on social networking sites depress you?
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Excess of social networking and being on chat rooms online has been associated with depression in pre-teens and teens, as seen in recent studies. People who spend too much time on the internet spend lesser time socializing. When people do not maintain relationships and human interaction, they are liable to get more depressed.