Depression is a serious mental illness. It is a myth followed through ages that those with the inability to fight difficult situations in life fall prey to depression. This myth is most seriously followed by parents who teach their children not to cry and complain since they think this might cause the child to become emotionally weak. Depression can be cured and taken care of, but it cannot be avoided.
What is depression?
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Depression has had various interpretations over the course of time. However, depression is a serious mental condition, which requires due attention. One can suffer from severe mental unrest known as depression. This can be due to a variety of reasons, biological or emotional, which if not treated may lead to drastic consequences like suicide. Mere sadness, introvert attitude or suicidal tendencies do not mean that a person is suffering from depression. To correctly understand depression, one must invariably be acquainted with its true nature rather than believing in any myths.
Men do not get depressed
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Treatment of choice for Moderate and severe Depression are antidepressants medication and for mild depression it is cognitive behavior therapy. You should meet a Psychiatrist if you are having symptoms of depression. Antidepressants are very safe medications and will generally improves the patient condition in 2 to 3 weeks period. You should follow your Doctor advise properly for medications to prevent future episode risk. Generaaly there is myth that antidepressant medications has dependence property or serious side effects but these are not true and now a daus very safe medications are available which will produce dramatic improvement. Other life style measures can also be started after Doctor advise loke exercise, yoga, meditations etc. but these should not be forced on severe depressive patients as they will found difficulty in following these initially and will increase stress only. Psychologist help can be taken in mild dpression or in moderate and severe depressive episode on the advise of Psychiatrist. Untreated depression leads to harmful behavior like drug is, self harm thinking and will ruin your personal and proffessional life and also worsen the course of chronic illness like diabetes, hypertension etc. Its very important to take help from Psychiatrist as early as possible.
What causes depression?
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There is not only one cause for depression. Depression may occur due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. This can happen to anybody, and it does not require any particular event to occur. Chaotic lifestyles may make the brain restless and if continued for a prolonged time, leads to depression. Certain traumatic events such as rape, the death of near ones, estrangement from a loved one, etc., may affect the mental health of an individual drastically, thus leading to depression. There is no singular cause for depression. Therefore, none of the causes leading to depression must be ignored.
Depression can be cured only using anti-depressant pills.
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In severe cases, one might be prescribed certain sedatives, but anti-depressant pills are never the only answer to cure depression. However, depression can be completely cured through proper counseling, changing your lifestyle, yoga, exercise, and proper food habits. One must consult a psychologist or psychiatrist to start treatment for depression. It is important to note that the antidepressant pills available in the market may lead to serious side effects. They should only be taken if your doctor has prescribed them.