Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (BOT), MSc - Psychotherapy
Psychologist, Chennai
25 years experience
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Food does not have a role in treating depression.
1 of 5
Food does play a major role in emotional well-being. It is popular news that chocolates are mood enhancers. Any food which contains serotonin helps in enriching mood and improving emotional well-being. However, what should be noted is that one should not take on a food trip with junk, sugary foods as they can lead to significant weight gain. Keep a reward system for yourself wherein you achieve something (2 kg weight loss) which is then rewarded by a packet of chocolate.
Which of these are ways to reduce depression?
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While depression definitely needs more than a physical change, it is definitely not just that. Depression is a multidimensional issue and in addition to managing the main problem that leads to depression, other aspects should be looked at too. In fact, having a set goal and working towards it is one of the proven methods of controlling depression. All efforts are targeted towards achieving that goal, thereby deviating attention and controlling depression. Depression is emotionally hurting, but work on your body through diet and exercise, and see the emotional well-being go up.
Sleep and depression are not correlated
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One of the earliest symptoms of depression is losing sleep. This could be because there are troubling thoughts or because you end up worrying about something or some person. On the other hand, getting into a routine sleep pattern has a significant role in controlling depression. As a part of treating depression, people are advised to stick to a sleep routine which includes going to bed and waking up at the same time of the day. This helps train the body to get into a routine. Keep a sleep diary and make a note of what time you go to sleep and wake up on a regular basis. You could also note down things which help you sleep (a warm shower, a light meal, hot milk, a nice book, etc.) which you can build into your routine.
What are some of the symptoms associated with depression
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Depression manifests itself differently in different people. While some people may just withdraw into a shell, others might lose interest in whatever their regular schedule is (studies, work, etc.). Surprisingly, these could be things which were highly enjoyable in the early days. When exactly depression sets in is difficult to say pin pointedly. However, when there are small repeated symptoms pointing toward depression, they should not be ignored.
A regular exercise routine helps in treating depression
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Depression does have a greater emotional component than physical component. However, a strong physical focus can help fight depression. In fact, having a fixed physical routine and focusing all energy towards achieving it can help fight depression in a very successful way. Seeing a healthier, fitter person in the mirror can be one of the best mood busters. Even for people who were depressed, this can be one of the best ways to fight depression.