MS - Counselling and Psychotherapy, Diploma in Psychological Medicine , MBBS
Psychiatrist, Bangalore
21 years experience
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Working hard can help fight depression.
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It is a commonly held belief that burying yourself in work is an effective way to deal with depression. For a mild case of the blues, it actually does help as a coping mechanism as you occupy your mind with something productive and constructive. However, this is only to a certain extent. In case of clinical depression, overworking yourself will only give rise to stress and anxiety, which is sure to worsen the condition. It is important to give yourself some breathing room to just relax and ease the mind in order to effectively keep depression under control.
How does physical exercise help a person deal with depression?
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There is a direct link between physical activity and feeling good. Exercising and working out makes the body release endorphins which are also known as happy hormones because they uplift mood and induce healthy thought patterns. These chemicals interact with the receptors in the brain that perceive pain to reduce feelings of negativity. Regular rhythmic exercises such as running, swimming, dancing, etc., trigger an endorphin rush which will leave you feeling euphoric with a positive outlook on life.
If you have chronic depression, you need to be on lifelong anti-depressant medication.
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It is quite possible to overcome depression without resorting to the use and abuse of happy pills. The first step of dealing with depression is to make attitude adjustments and lifestyle changes and remove all the things that trigger depressive thoughts from your mind and from the environment. You may not have to resort to antidepressant medication at all and even if you do, it does not have to be a lifelong affair.
Which of the following food items are good for keeping depression at bay?
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Citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin c, a nutrient known to be highly effective in combating stress and handling depression. It helps lower blood pressure and reduces the production of the stress hormone known as cortisol. Be sure to treat yourself to generous helpings of citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, tangelos, etc. These will surely help uplift mood and make you feel better.
Spending time in the sun will help overcome depression.
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Sunshine is a natural remedy for depression. It is a known fact that being out it the sun improves mood and effectively helps manage depression. Having fun in the sun gives a boost to both mental and physical health. You should spend at least 20 minutes each day basking in the sun, preferably in the early hours of the day, to deal with depression and other related ailments.