Pain Management Specialist, Kolkata
39 years experience
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What are the different ways to manage pain without medicines?
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There are times when pain becomes unbearable. Drugs give relief but temporarily and intake of too many painkillers is not much safe. That is the moment one needs the feel of therapeutic ways to achieve relief from pain. Acupuncture is an ancient way of attaining pain relief. Endorphins are released through this process. Chiropractic treatment and massage are the most common non-surgical treatment. It is helpful in headaches, chronic leg or arm pain and even neck pain and whiplash. Many herbal remedies are available in the market and have proved useful during the survey. Consult your physician before using herbal remedies as they might interact negatively with medications.
What other therapies are used to manage pain?
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Heat helps reduce pain and spasms while ice helps in reducing painful inflammation. Hot and cold therapy can be applied alternatively or even separately. Use hot pad for 20 to 30 minutes in every 2 hours. You can use ice packs for 15 to 20 minutes every hour. Physical therapy helps one learn exercises to boost up strength and decrease pain. Guided imagery is where therapists advise the patients to imagine a picture in mind and concentrate on it. It would help in distracting the mind from pain to the picture. Ask your physician for a diet plan to follow with the therapies.
Therapies along with medicines are called complementary medicine.
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Many alternative therapies are included in clinical institutions. When both alternative therapies and medicines are being used together, it is known as complementary medicine. Alternative therapies are referred when drugs fail to have any effect on the area of pain. The doctor would recommend particular type of therapy based on individual condition. Complementary medicine has a high success rate according to research.
Mind-body therapy is not effective in managing pain.
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Mind-body therapies are helpful in improving the mind s ability to affect the functions of the body. Many approaches include meditation, relaxation therapies, hypnosis, etc. Relaxation techniques are useful in alleviating discomfort caused by chronic pain. Aromatherapy and self-hypnosis are other forms of this treatment. Self-hypnosis is a way of directing your attention to something else other than the pain. It helps in relieving stress and decreasing pain.
Managing pain is important.
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Pain is a hindrance in the daily life. It is best to treat it at the earliest. However, there are ways beyond medicines and drugs which can help in pain management. If the pain is not managed then a lack of energy and loss of appetite will eventually ensue making you weak. Discuss with your physician for alternative therapies that would benefit your condition. Relying on medicines is not always the last option.