Pain Management Specialist, Kolkata
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Cold packs can help ease wrist pain
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Ice or cold packs can help relieve pain and swelling in the wrist. The cold generated by a cold pack will numb the area and reduce blood flow to the area. This helps ease the pain and soothes the muscles. It also reduces the accumulation of fluid around the wrist and hence prevents the joint from stiffening. There are two things that should be kept in mind when using cold packs. Firstly, do not put ice or a cold pack directly on the skin as it can cause an ice burn. Always wrap the ice pack in a flannel cloth or towel before applying it over the wrist. Secondly, do not keep an ice pack in place for more than 15-20 minutes.
Yoga asanas that can help relieve wrist pain are
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Yoga is very beneficial in relieving wrist pain caused by a strain or pulled muscle. To practice the Padahastasana asana bend down while standing so that your hands touch the floor and slip your hands beneath your feet. The Gomukhasana can be practiced by sitting with your knees crossed over each other. Now try to get both hands to clasp each other behind your back while one arm is bent over your shoulder and the other is bent behind your back. The Anjali Pose is the simplest of the three and simply involves pressing both palms against each other infront of your chest.
Heat packs can give immediate relief from wrist pain
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Heat should be avoided in case of wrist pain. While hot packs are beneficial in cases of sprains and muscle pain, it can aggravate swelling and discomfort. Instead ice or a cold pack should be applied immediately after a sprain or accident that causes wrist pain to limit the swelling. A hot pack can be used after the inflammation has reduced to boost blood circulation in the area and prevent muscles from tightening.
Severe wrist pain can be treated by
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Over the counter pain relievers can be very effective in soothing wrist pain caused by a sprain or conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. These medicines can also help reduce swelling and inflammation. In some cases, your doctor may advise you to wear a wrist support of splint to prevent further damage and fasten the healing process. In cases of severe carpal tunnel syndrome or osteoarthritis, surgery may also be advised to repair tears and replace ton muscles or ligaments.
Changes in your diet can help prevent wrist pain
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Food rich in omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin C and E can help ease pain and inflammation. On the other hand, fatty foods, red meat, sodas, processed food and dairy can aggravate pain and should be avoided. Adding turmeric to your food is also a good idea as it is rich in curcumin that has anti-inflammatory properties.