In absence of adequate calcium, the body withdraws it from bones when required.
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A number of biochemical functions are performed by calcium in the body, so it is always required in sufficient amounts. If a shortage of calcium occurs, the body deals with it by dissolving the calcium in the bones and taking it up, thereby reducing the bone calcium density.
Around what age does bone density start to fall?
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Till approximately 30 years of age, bones grow and calcium accumulates quicker than it is removed. After that the rate of growth slowly declines and the rate of decay increases. This causes the bone density to fall.
Which exercises can help to manage osteoporosis?
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Heavy exercise can severely damage bones weakened due to osteoporosis. However, some exercise is required to maintain muscle strength and bone health. Exercises like walking, jogging, etc. can help maintain bone health and keep them strong without putting too much stress on them.
Sneezing can result in broken bones if you have osteoporosis.
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Osteoporosis drastically reduces bone density and strength, so bones break very easily from slight injuries or falls. So much so, that a stress as small as that caused by sneezing can cause a fracture in the ribcage if you have osteoporosis.
Weakening bones can be easily detected without medical tests.
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Osteoporosis is dangerous because it greatly weakens the bones by reducing their density without any other physical symptoms, resulting in very brittle bones that do not feel weak, but can fracture easily with the slightest stress.