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Preventing Gout And Osteoporosis With Homeopathy!

Diploma In Gastroenterology, Diploma In Dermatology, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad  •  17 years experience
Preventing Gout And Osteoporosis With Homeopathy!
Which of these medical conditions can cause bone fractures?
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Preventing Gout And Osteoporosis With Homeopathy!
Which of these are the common variants of bone fractures?
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Preventing Gout And Osteoporosis With Homeopathy!
Homeopathic medicine cannot be used to treat curvature of the spine in osteoporosis.
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Preventing Gout And Osteoporosis With Homeopathy!
There is homeopathic medicine available for treating damp weather induced rheumatism.
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Preventing Gout And Osteoporosis With Homeopathy!
Homeopathic medicines and remedies for osteoporosis and gout are suggested by the practitioner based on your overall health and condition.
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