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How Vitamin D Can Help In Osteoporosis Prevention?

MBBS, Diploma In Orthopaedics, Trauma and Orthopedics training, dnb training, fellowship in joint replacement surgery,, fellowship in adult hip and knee computer navigated surgery(switzerland)
Orthopedic Doctor, Visakhapatnam  •  27 years experience
How Vitamin D Can Help In Osteoporosis Prevention?
Which of the following can t be controlled which increases the risk of developing osteoporosis?
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How Vitamin D Can Help In Osteoporosis Prevention?
Osteoporosis can be prevented by slowing down the loss of bones after the age of 30.
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How Vitamin D Can Help In Osteoporosis Prevention?
Taking vitamin D for prevention of osteoporosis can pose certain health risks.
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How Vitamin D Can Help In Osteoporosis Prevention?
Which of these is the primary cause of osteoporosis?
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How Vitamin D Can Help In Osteoporosis Prevention?
You can get sufficient vitamin D from sunlight irrespective of the season.
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