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Osteoporosis & Vitamin D Is There A Link?

MBBS, MS - Orthopaedics
Multi Speciality, Nagpur  •  26 years experience
Osteoporosis & Vitamin D  Is There  A Link?
Can osteoporosis be prevented by slowing down the loss of bones after the age of 30?
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Osteoporosis & Vitamin D  Is There  A Link?
Which of these is the primary cause of osteoporosis?
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Osteoporosis & Vitamin D  Is There  A Link?
There any risks associated with taking vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis.
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Osteoporosis & Vitamin D  Is There  A Link?
Which of the following cant be controlled which increases the risk of developing osteoporosis?
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Osteoporosis & Vitamin D  Is There  A Link?
You can get sufficient vitamin D from sunlight irrespective of the season.
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