Mother and Child Care, Panchkula
20 years experience
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Overactive bladder may be caused as a normal part of ageing.
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Many people think that having an overactive bladder is normal for someone when he/she ageing. However, this isn't true as this disorder can happen at any age. Overactive bladder is defined as the uncontrolled and involuntary spasms of the bladder muscles which may force you to urinate even though very little urine is passed. This condition is common in older people as problems such as prostate enlargement, weakened pelvic muscles or other underlying factors may actually result in this rather than issues with the bladder itself.
Which amongst the following can be a bladder irritant and trigger overactive bladder?
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There are a lot of food triggers which may suddenly cause you to experience a strong urge to urinate. This is again a symptom of the bladder muscles contracting due to its reaction with something that may have triggered a spasm. However, these food triggers may vary vastly from person to person. Some other common triggers include coffee, honey and carbonated drinks among others.
You should urinate just in case when you are going out to empty your bladder.
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This is one of the biggest misconception that people have about overactive bladder symptoms. This is not a problem of excess urine, but an issue with the bladder muscle. If you urinate before you go somewhere even if there isn't much in store, it will train your bladder to be overactive. This in the long run will become a habit and will eventually turn into a disorder as the muscle will start acting involuntarily. Thus, urinate only if you have the urge to.
Which of these habits could cause you to develop an overactive bladder?
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Perching your bottom or barely balancing it right at the front edge of the toilet seat while relieving yourself during urination or passing stool may put pressure on your bladder muscles. If this becomes a habit and continues for a prolonged period, it could lead to overactive bladder symptom. It is advisable that you rest your buttocks on its entirety on the toilet instead of hovering at the front.
Cutting down on consumption of fluids will help you to deal with an overactive bladder better.
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This is a big misconception which states that if you have to urinate too frequently then you should drink less water to reduce the frequency. However it isn't the fluids which are causing the problems but the bladder muscle. Drinking fewer fluids will only act as a bladder irritant and will make you want to urinate even more. Thus it is very important that you take your normal intake of fluid and keep the body functions normal. The overactive bladder needs to be dealt with medications and with exercises separately.