Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
24 years experience
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Upon ultrasound, women with PCOS usually have
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PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS is a type of hormonal disorder in women which affects the metabolism of the body. Women with PCOS may have irregular or longer periods. They may also have excess amounts of male hormones called androgen, and the ovaries may generate small follicles. The exact reasons are unknown. However, research proves that, upon ultrasound evaluation, many women usually have one or many cysts in the ovary. This is why the ovary is not able to create regular eggs.
People with PCOD/PCOS are at a greater risk of Prediabetes and Diabetes before the age of 40?
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More than 50% women with PCOS may develop Diabetes or Prediabetes before the age of 40. This is because PCOS affects insulin resistance in the body. It also imbalances the production of insulin in the body. Women with PCOS are at risk of developing Diabetes or Prediabetes at an early age. Doctors and dieticians recommend women with PCOS to avoid sugar containing products. PCOS affects insulin production and resistance in the body.
However, you can take sweet products but try to have them in the form of fruits and nuts. Avoid only those products which are rich in sugar content. Moreover, you can control it by opting healthy diet and lifestyle. You can also do some type of exercise that helps regulate insulin hormone in the body.
Women with PCOS should avoid ____________________ in their diet?
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We know PCOS is a type of hormonal disorder. Our diet plays a significant role in maintaining the hormones in our bodies. This is why eating fresh and healthy food is very important. However, junk foods are not fresh and can even fluctuate your glucose level and imbalance the hormones that lead to the deposition of the fat in the hips and abdomen. This fat can be the reason for the weight gain that is one of the main causes of PCOS. Avoiding junk food can also help you maintain weight and hormones in the body.
Women with PCOS cannot lose weight?
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Women with PCOS are at high risk of gaining weight. However, by opting for some exercise and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, you can balance your weight or lose weight.
Women with PCOS Should eat _______________________
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The ideal diet for PCOS women should be a combination of foods that help in balancing insulin levels and reducing weight. Fibrous food balances insulin levels in the body and produces healthy insulin. Fibrous food like whole grains, beans, cruciferous vegetables, lentils, legumes, broccoli, seeds, nuts, etc. will help maintain the sugar level and body weight. PCOS can cause you to gain weight. Eating high protein foods makes you feel full. Protein will provide the required calories without increasing the weight. Your diet should consist of Chicken, Tofu, Egg, etc. Foods containing Omega 3-Fatty Acid are known as hormone balancing foods. It also improves the insulin level of the body. This is why the diet of women with PCOS should contain Omega 3-Fatty acid foods like fish, avocado, olive oil, nuts and seeds, etc.