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Hirsutism or Excess Hair Growth And PCOS, What Can You Do?

MBBS, MD - Skin,VD & leprosy
Dermatologist, Dharuhera  •  24 years experience
Hirsutism or Excess Hair Growth And PCOS, What Can You Do?
Which adrenal gland disorders cause facial hair in women?
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Hirsutism or Excess Hair Growth And PCOS, What Can You Do?
Polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is a big cause of female facial hair.
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Hirsutism or Excess Hair Growth And PCOS, What Can You Do?
Which of these is responsible for causing facial hair or hirsutism in women?
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Hirsutism or Excess Hair Growth And PCOS, What Can You Do?
You can decrease facial hair by lowering your weight if you are a woman.
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Hirsutism or Excess Hair Growth And PCOS, What Can You Do?
Combination birth control pills can manage PCOS and thus female facial hair.
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