MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery
Gynaecologist, Thane
12 years experience
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The imbalance of which of these hormones cause PCOD?
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Estrogen and progesterone are the sex hormones in women, and when these hormones are out of balance, it leads to the growth of cysts in the ovaries which are harmless masses. A woman with PCOD (Poly Cyst Ovarian Disease) may suffer from the irregular menstrual cycle, fertility issues, cardiac disorders and obesity or unexplained weight loss. There are different screening tests which can help a woman understand if she has PCOD. Thus, consulting with a gynecologist is a must.
Which of these is the reason behind PCOD?
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Although the exact cause of PCOD is not yet detected, it is seen that women whose mothers and sisters have suffered from PCOD are more likely to inherit the condition. Overproduction of the hormone called androgen, found in males also contributes to the formation of cysts in the ovaries. This, in turn, can affect the development as well as the release of eggs at the time of ovulation. It is important to find out what has led to the formation of cysts in the ovaries and treat the underlying issue.
Excessive hair all over the body, bald patches and acne are signs of PCOD.
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Since PCOD is marked by a stark decrease in the amount of female sex hormones, it leads to male-like attributes in women. This may include excessive hair in the chest, face, thumbs, toes and stomach areas and less hair in the head. It may also lead to deeper voice and unexplained weight gain. Eat a regulated diet, cut down sugar intake and exercise regularly in order to control the symptoms of PCOD.
Health issues such as hypertension, high blood sugar and high cholesterol are associated with PCOD.
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Most patients affected with PCOD are overweight and this condition leads to common issues such as high blood sugar, increased cholesterol levels and diabetes. All these ailments further contrive to make PCOD worse, and the vicious cycle goes on declining the overall health of the woman. Exercising regularly and finding ways to keep body weight in check is a must for you if you have been suffering from PCOD.
Women suffering from PCOD have problems in conceiving.
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Since the cysts are formed in the ovary, women with PCOD have irregular menstrual cycle along with problems in ovulating. Even if the eggs are released, they are immature at most times, and this makes it difficult for her to conceive. The periods are infrequent and heavy, and even if she manages to conceive, there remains a risk of miscarriage. If you have troubles in conceiving, it is advised to consult a gynecologist to find out whether you have PCOD and ways to manage the symptoms.