MBBS, DVD, MD - Dermatology, Fellowship in Dermatological Laser Surgery
Dermatologist, Bangalore
39 years experience
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Which of these circumstances can lead to psoriasis?
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Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition stemming from an overactive immune system. The symptoms of psoriasis include inflammation, flaking and sometimes, thick and silvery patches of the skin which can also turn red at times. The treatments for psoriasis are varied and depend on what is causing them symptoms. These include steroid creams, oral medications, light therapy, and occlusions. If you have the symptoms of psoriasis, you should consult an expert dermatologist who can treat the condition well.
What is responsible for making the immune system overactive and cause psoriasis?
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Psoriasis is a condition which turns the skin cells into such a condition where they grow about five times faster than the normal skin cells. As a result, the body cannot keep up with the pace and gets piled up one above the other making it appear as thick and flaky patches which cause a lot of irritation and patches. Even though the exact reason behind this is unknown, according to researchers, it is triggered by a combination of various triggers and genetic issues. Though you cannot do anything about the genetics, you can reduce the triggers that can lead to psoriasis.
Skin injury and infections are some of the most common causes of psoriasis.
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Did you know that a scrape or cut or an infection in the skin and even scratching the skin can lead to psoriasis? Notably, strep infections are related to guttate psoriasis which appears like small and red drops. Bronchitis, tonsillitis, ear pain and even respiratory infection like flu, cold or pneumonia, it may also lead to skin problems. You should try to treat the skin conditions first that are causing psoriasis.
Reducing the triggers is the best way of controlling the symptoms of psoriasis.
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External triggers can lead to a rise in psoriasis attack, but the trick here is that the triggers are not same for every person. The most common triggers for psoriasis include stress and alcohol. Hence, you should try to reduce the stress levels and secondly, you must not drink too much of alcohol as it may also trigger psoriasis. If you regularly consume excess alcohol and consider quitting, you can talk to an expert who can help you quitting alcohol.
There are no topical treatments available for psoriasis.
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Ointments, gels, and creams applied directly to the affected area can be helpful in reducing mild to moderate psoriasis. These can include a topical retinoid, topical corticosteroids, salicylic acid, anthralin, and moisturizer. In case you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you will be treated with systemic medications. But many of these medications have severe side effects, and therefore, you should consult with your doctor before taking them. There are many alternative therapies for the treatment of psoriasis, and you should consult your doctor about the same.