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When suffering from schizophrenia, you must avoid daily trivial household chores.
1 of 5
Keeping up to date with household chores like doing regular laundry, organizing the wardrobe and the shoe rack, cooking meals for everyone in the family and similar jobs can actually help manage the disorder. This is because when such small tasks are overlooked and avoided, they cause low-level stress. So, doing them regularly bit by bit will actually help relieve stress.
Which of the following works best to manage schizophrenia?
2 of 5
Practising religion, meditation and yoga are very helpful in alleviating the symptoms of schizophrenia. These activities increase mindfulness and concentration which helps in distracting yourself from the hallucinations, delusions and voices. Joining a meditation class, learning relaxation techniques, exercising and honing skills and hobbies are also beneficial for managing schizophrenia.
Connecting and establishing more social relationships help cope with schizophrenia.
3 of 5
Social interaction and connecting more with people prove really helpful in managing the symptoms of schizophrenia. This is because in new relationships people tend to talk longer and engage more and more in different types of conversations. Connecting with new people, making friends and family members and relatives usually make you happy because you tend to vent out the suppressed emotions.
Which of the following method can completely cure schizophrenia?
4 of 5
Treatment for complete cure of schizophrenia is not possible and the methods of treatment are only useful for coping and managing the symptoms. Medication with anti-psychotic drugs, exercise, yoga and meditation are all methods of managing the symptoms of the disorder. They are all ways to control the mind and distract it from hallucinations, delusions and voices.
Eating fish can help manage schizophrenia.
5 of 5
Fatty fish like salmon, tuna etc. are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acid boosts energy and improves focus and outlook. It alleviates the symptoms of depression and stress. Apart from fatty fish, walnuts, flaxseeds, fish oil supplements are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help assuage mood.