MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Gynaecologist, Hyderabad
62 years experience
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There is no surgical treatment for urinary incontinence.
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Surgery is the final form of treatment for urinary incontinence. There can be several kinds of surgery related to the condition. For women, the sling procedure may be the best surgical option. In it, a mechanical mesh is attached near the urethra to provide support. This ensures that urine does not get excreted involuntarily, when you sneeze or cough. Similar kinds of surgery are also performed on the men, which in turn, helps treat the incontinence.
Keeping a record of urinary incontinence can help with the treatment of the same.
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It may sound foolish to take a note every time you face urinary incontinence, but it really helps avoid the same in the future. Just keep a note of what you were doing when the incontinence occurred, so that you know what to avoid if you want to stay away from such an occurrence. While this may not be a traditional treatment form, seeing as how the problem itself is not getting rectified. However, it does provide some relief from the symptoms.
Which of this helps diagnose urinary incontinence?
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A basic diagnostic test performed on the urine sample can show whether the patient suffers from kidney disorders or infections. However, this is not the only way to diagnose the issue, as ultrasound, CT scan, x-ray and cystometry can also be used to detect urinary incontinence.
Which of the following drink should you avoid if you have urinary incontinence?
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Coffee or any other drink containing caffeine should be avoided if you suffer from urinary incontinence. Caffeine increases the production of urine in the body and may cause your condition to worsen. Furthermore, alcoholic drinks should also be avoided at all costs, if you do not want your condition to deteriorate.
Tampons can be used to treat urinary incontinence.
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It may surprise you to know that tampons can be used to prevent urinary incontinence as well. When you think about it, the original functionality of tampons is quite similar to what it does for incontinence patients. It stops the urine from accidentally flowing out of the body, even when your bladder is full.