MCh Urology, MS - General Surgery, DNB (General Surgery), MBBS
Urologist, Chennai
26 years experience
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Which of these organs of the body do you need to keep hydrated?
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Most people do not pay attention to drinking water and they take it for granted. But keeping your body hydrated is critical for the maintenance of overall health. And unfortunately, a large percentage of people all across the globe fail to consume the required level of fluids on a regular basis. Approximately 70 percent of the human body is comprised of water whereas 71 percent the planet s surface is covered up with water. The ubiquitous nature of water makes drinking one of the most important part of keeping up good health.
What can happen due to lack of consumption of water?
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Water is quite essential for the proper functioning of all the vital systems of the body, especially the urinary tract. If the kidneys are not able to function properly due to lack of water, the waste products and toxins can gradually build up inside the body. If the person doesn t take the recommended dosage of fluid for a long time, it can lead to kidney failure and even permanent damage to kidneys. If you don t drink enough water now, you may have to undergo kidney transplantation or dialysis in the near future.
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are one of the most prevalent kidney diseases.
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The second most common type of infection in the body are the Urinary Tract Infections. About 8.1 million people living in the United States visit their physicians with UTIs every year. When the infection reaches the upper part of the urinary tract, including the kidneys and the ureters, the damage could be permanent. Also, sudden kidney infections can be extremely complicated and acute and may put life in danger. All these complications and diseases can be avoided if you drink 2 litres of water every day.
Drinking enough water can reduce the chance of developing kidney stones.
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Kidney stones can actively interfere with the way in which the kidney functions and if the person is already suffering from urinary tract infections, then it could be complicated. The treatment is administering antibiotics for a longer period, usually 7 to 14 days. Fortunately, kidney stones can be easily prevented by drinking enough water. Whenever you are having any medicine, make sure that you drink one to two glasses of water. Otherwise, it gets accumulated in the kidney and form stones.
Lack of water can not only affect the urinary tract but also lead to seizures.
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Electrolytes present in the body such as phosphate, sodium and potassium aids in carrying electrical signals among the cells. Kidneys help in maintaining stability between all these electrolytes. And, when there is a lack of fluid, the kidneys are not able to maintain the balance of the electrolytes which in turn can lead to seizures and loss of consciousness. If you find it difficult to drink plain water, you can take fruit juice or green tea.