M.Sc. - Dietetics / Nutrition, B.Sc - Dietetics / Nutrition, PhD In Yoga and Diabetes
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bangalore
18 years experience
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Cheese Can Help in Weight Loss.
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According to health experts, cheese is actually great for weight loss. This is because consuming cheese induces a feeling of satiety. It also lowers the blood pressure levels and brings about a significant loss of abdominal fat. Therefore, you end up losing a lot of weight around the belly region.
Which of these is a health benefit of cheese?
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Cheese being a dairy product is a rich source of various nutrients and especially calcium. It contains zinc, protein, magnesium and vitamins leads to the development of bones and prevents osteoporosis in adults. Cheese contains calcium which is very important in formation of healthy teeth. Cheese has the ability to increase the pH level, therefore, providing good defense against the chance of a cavity formation.
Mozzarella is considered to be a healthy cheese.
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When it comes to nutritional value, different types of cheese have different values. Out of all the different types of cheese, mozzarella is the healthiest cheese. It contains about 85 calories. Mozzarella has low-fat content along with Feta cheese and Swiss cheese.
Cheese helps to prevent which of these diseases?
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Cheese is extremely effective against the prevention of cancer. This is because cheese contains sphingolipids and linoleic acid. In addition, cheese is packed with vitamin B which maintains many bodily functions. It also defends against Beriberi, which arises as a result of vitamin B1 deficiency.
Eating Cheese can increase your life expectancy.
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According to a study conducted by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2016, eating about 57 grams of cheese per day can help to lower fat absorption in the gut. This helps you to live longer and healthier.