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Skipping Meals - Do You Really Think It Can Cause Weight Loss?

M.Sc, Ph.D (Foods & Nutrition)
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Udaipur  •  21 years experience
Skipping Meals - Do You Really Think It Can Cause Weight Loss?
Intermittent fasting will result in a loss of muscle.
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Skipping Meals - Do You Really Think It Can Cause Weight Loss?
Which of the following are certain positives of skipping meals?
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Skipping Meals - Do You Really Think It Can Cause Weight Loss?
Which of the following diseases are you prone to, if you skip breakfast regularly?
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Skipping Meals - Do You Really Think It Can Cause Weight Loss?
Skipping meals lead to a slowed metabolic rate.
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Skipping Meals - Do You Really Think It Can Cause Weight Loss?
Skipping meal leads to overeating.
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