MD - Acupuncture, Diploma In Accupuncture, Advanced Diploma In Accupuncture
Acupuncturist, Delhi
19 years experience
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How Can Acupuncture Help Someone in Losing Excess Weight?
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Both the options are applicable. Research has shown that they tend to hit a particular part of the brain, which helps in making people feel hungry. So not only does the procedure reduce hunger but also activate people s feel-good neurotransmitters, leading to the reduction of stress hence helping to lose weight.
What kind of Psychological Effect Can Acupuncture Have on the Minds of the Human Beings?
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Acupuncture will not necessarily have a direct effect in weight loss but the reality is that psychologically, people would start to make better lifestyle choices by eating healthy diet and doing some physical exercises, thus leading to loss of weight.
What are the effects of Acupuncture on the Meridians of the Body?
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There are 12 major meridians in the body, each remaining linked with a different organ. Quite often, due to stress, the meridians become unbalanced. This is where, through Acupuncture, the balance in the meridians gets restored that has positive impact on one s metabolism and one stops overeating, hence reduce weight.
There is instant effect of Acupunture on one s Weight Loss
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The statement is false as Acupuncture cannot have any direct effect on people willing to lose weight. People need to follow a strict regime by modifying their diet, by shifting towards healthy food habits and indulge in doing exercises.
How Long Should the Treatment for Weight Loss should be Carried Out?
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Treatment of Acupuncture for weight loss is perfect for getting the desired result. Remaining committed is always important towards achieving the best out of any holistic treatment.