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How critical can the lumps and bumps be in your vaginal area?

MBBS, MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Advanced Infertility
Gynaecologist, Mumbai  •  32 years experience
How critical can the lumps and bumps be in your vaginal area?
It is not safe to pop a vaginal pimple.
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How critical can the lumps and bumps be in your vaginal area?
Skin tags in the vaginal area can cause serious health issues.
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How critical can the lumps and bumps be in your vaginal area?
Shaving and waxing can contribute to the growth of lumps and bumps in the vaginal area.
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How critical can the lumps and bumps be in your vaginal area?
The most common site where you can develop a bump in your vaginal area is:
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How critical can the lumps and bumps be in your vaginal area?
Which of the following natural remedies can be used to treat a vaginal lump?
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