It is best if you do not try to pop a pimple if you ever get one in your vaginal area. It can spread bacteria which will lead to infection. Moreover, it is a sensitive area that can cause severe irritation and worsen the situation. The best option is to let it rupture on its own or visit a doctor.
Skin tags in the vaginal area can cause serious health issues.
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Skin tags that look like pimples are a common condition in women, but they are not very harmful. It is extremely rare for a skin tag to turn cancerous. The most likely time when a skin tag can occur is after pregnancy- that is because the skin had been stretched and hormonal changes occurred. Vaginal skin tags generally do not cause much of a problem unless irritated by tampons and sanitary napkins, general friction or friction during sexual intercourse. If irritated, it can cause inflammation and sores, with a possibility of bleeding. In such conditions, you may consult a doctor who can have them removed.
Shaving and waxing can contribute to the growth of lumps and bumps in the vaginal area.
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Shaving with a blunt razor can sometimes cause irritation to the skin. Apart from that, small parts of the pubic hair can block the hair follicle pores. It prevents the hair underneath the skin to grow straight. The curling hair can irritate the skin and cause bumps to form in the vagina. Waxing can also damage the skin, thus making the area prone to bumps and lumps.
The most common site where you can develop a bump in your vaginal area is:
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Infections that can cause lumps like herpes and syphilis occur in the vulva. It is passed on by skin-to-skin contact with a person affected by the virus. The symptoms include painful blisters and lumps that look like pimples in the vulva. Cysts are also common that can occur on any part of the body. They occur in the vulva, especially due to blocked skin glands. These cysts look like pimples or lumps under your skin.
Which of the following natural remedies can be used to treat a vaginal lump?
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Marigold, also known as calendula, has well known astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that fight against a wide range of fungal and bacterial infections. You can use it in the form of a cream, oil or powder to get fast relief from the vaginal lumps or pimples.