You can choose douching as a technique to hide your vaginal odour.
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The method of douching only helps to hide the vaginal odour, but it cannot make it go away. It is always advisable to find a solution at the root of the problem instead of just a temporary remedy. A vaginal odour that is unusual could be due to a bladder infection, bacterial infection or a symptom of a sexually transmitted disease. The best thing to do is to consult a doctor and go by the treatment advised by him/her.
Douching helps to prevent infections
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Though the general notion is that women opt for douching to feel cleaner, the fact is it can lead to bacterial infections in the vagina. The method of douching upsets the balance of vaginal flora. The vaginal flora is the bacteria present in the vagina which keep it healthy and provide protection against infection. If their natural balance is disturbed, the environment becomes more conducive to the growth of infection-causing bacteria. This can lead to an increased risk of STDs and preterm labour. Studies have shown that women who have stopped douching/who do not practice douching are less likely to develop bacterial vaginal infections.
Douching is associated with a higher risk of developing:
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An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a foetus starts developing outside the womb, mostly in the fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg fails to develop properly in this situation and requires treatment. The vaginal walls have very delicate skin that can be easily irritated by douching. It can lead to rupturing of the capillaries and blood vessels. The ruptured vessels pave the way for viral and bacterial infections to enter the body. If there is an existing vaginal infection, the process of douching can push that infection to the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. This can increase the risks of developing pelvic inflammatory diseases (infections in the reproductive organs) which further increase the risk of an ectopic pregnancy.
Douching with apple cider vinegar is a common home remedy for treating:
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Apple cider vinegar helps to regulate the pH levels (scale that indicates alkalinity and acidity) of the vagina, thus preventing the growth of yeast. As you apply this mixture in the vagina during the process of douching, the general symptoms of yeast infection such as vaginal discharge and itching will be reduced. You have to be careful as to not overdo the process, as there is a possibility of the good bacteria being washed away along with the bad bacteria.
Douching immediately after sex can prevent pregnancy.
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A lot of people think that douching immediately after unprotected sex can wash out all the sperms, thus preventing an unwanted pregnancy. However, the truth is it doesn t. Biologically, the vaginal muscles of a woman contract during an orgasm, as it is her body s way of leading the semen towards the eggs. Hence, even if she douches just after having unprotected sex, some sperms will have gone so deep that it would be nearly impossible to flush those out of the system. Moreover, it may cause an infection or an irritation of the genitalia as well.