Fellowship In Sexology, M-CSEPI, M.Ayu.D, Dipl.EMS, BAMS, Fellowship In Sexology
Sexologist, Pune
21 years experience
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What is vaginal dryness?
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The lack of lubrication in the tissue of the vagina as well as the bad health of the same may be characterized as a vaginal dryness. This can cause many symptoms like soreness, yeast infections, bacterial infections, light bleeding after sexual contact, discharge from the vagina, and many related issues. This condition may also lead to painful sexual intercourse. If you are suffering from prolonged pain and burning sensations in the vagina, you must have the same checked by a gynecologist who will put you through a series of lab tests and a physical examination.
What are the causes of vaginal dryness?
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There are a number of causes of vaginal dryness. these include low levels of estrogen which prevents the tissue from producing a healthy dose of lubrication. At the same time, childbirth and breastfeeding can also give rise to such dryness and even pain during intercourse, in many cases. Cancer treatments and other kinds of surgery, as well as menopause, can lead to such a condition. It would be a good idea to use topical estrogen in the vaginal area to help in alleviating the dryness and pain during sex.
Lack of lubrication cannot lead to pain during sex.
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When there is vaginal dryness, there will be less lubrication in the area during sexual contact and intercourse. This can make sex overly painful and even lead to bleeding during and after the act of sexual intercourse. For vaginal lubrication, proper foreplay is necessary before sexual intercourse. Instead of using oestrogen gelly, Ayurvedic Medicines with procedures like Yonidhawan ( medicated decoction douch with Triphala or Dashmul kwath ) followed by yonipichu ( keeping medicated tampons soaked in sterile oil like brihat Vishnu oil) will be more helpful and without side-effects also.
One should avoid scented lotions and creams in the area so that the vaginal dryness does not get aggravated.
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Vaginal dryness can get aggravated when one used scented creams and lotions as well as other cosmetics and cleansers in the area. This is due to the fact that such products are usually laden with chemicals that may cause irritation. One can use vaginal moisturizers like like Lubrin so as to keep the area well lubricated at all times.
Topical estrogen may have side effects and is not recommended for some women.
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Topical estrogen can have many side effects like pain in the breasts and bleeding in the vagina. Also, it should not be used by women who breast cancer or a history of diseases like endometrial cancer.