What are some very common reasons why there is acne during periods?
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It is not uncommon where girls dread their period, as it brings the double trouble of increased acne too. Not just a cosmetic concern, acne also can be highly demotivating. So, in addition to managing the period, there is also the acne to worry about. This is due to the increased sebum production and hormonal changes in addition to the stress. If you are prone to acne during your period, learn ways to de-stress and see them reduce, if not disappear.
What are some tricks to manage the acne during a period?
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Whether with a period or not, acne can be managed by controlling touching it. The hand and the phone should be clear, to avoid infection. There are various topical agents like tea tree oil which can be applied on the skin to manage the acne. Try a hot shower after a long day, and see both the stress levels reduce and the acne reducing.
What are some hygiene measures to remember to reduce acne?
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Given the correlation between acne and hormones, for girls, it is not possible to avoid getting them during the period. However, by being prepared, it can be managed well. Things like avoiding oily foods, keeping tissues handy, and not picking on the pimple are some ways to manage the acne well. Drinking adequate water is another important way to manage it. For someone whom the period is regular, it is easy to control the acne by working around these things during a period.
There is a strong correlation between the hormones during a menstrual cycle and spurt in acne
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One of the aggravating factors for acne is the increase in female hormones which happens during a period. There are females who hate it for having to manage these two things at a time. However, a consoling factor is that they soon get used to it, as this correlation weakens slightly with age. Learn to manage stress during your period. Stress is one of the major contributing factors for acne, and so managing stress can help control acne.
Birth control pills can help in controlling acne
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The female hormone estrogen is given to a female who has severe acne during the period. With this, the hormone levels are reduced, and so the severity of acne is reduced too. It also keeps the skin clean and clear. Do not take these, however, without medical consultation. Simple, non-effective ways are the best methods to manage acne with a period. It soon will be a way of life, and you would sail through smoothly.