MBBS, Diploma In Dermatology And Venerology And Leprosy (DDVL)
Dermatologist, Pune
15 years experience
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Hair products can also cause acne close to your hairline and forehead.
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Hair products which you use on your scalp and forehead may also be the trigger for your acne. Skin pores on your face may get blocked due to the usage of hair products, leading to accumulation of bacteria which causes inflammation. Laser acne treatment is very good at treating these topical problems and helps in giving you acne free skin.
Laser acne treatments are most effective with
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While laser acne treatment is generally effective with all types of acne, it tends to be most effective with the inflammatory type i.e. papules and pustules. Whiteheads and blackheads are noninflammatory disorders that are caused by non-bacterial causes. With papules and pustules, the bacteria that cause the inflammation can be targeted via the laser treatments which can reduce acne quickly.
Diet is the single most important thing that may lead to the development of acne.
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Diet does play a role in the development of acne, but with a combination of factors. Genetics and hormonal changes brought on by stress are other factors that will determine your inclination to acne. Having, sugary foods or dairy products in excess is known to contribute to acne but it only aggravates the conditions which are already there rather than causing them. If you are prone to acne, diet control is important but other supplementary treatments and precautions are also necessary.
Which among the following is the biggest advantage of laser acne treatment over oral medications?
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While oral medications such as Isotretinoin have been effective in treating acute acne, it has some serious side effects which many have to endure. While the outcome may be desirable, the means to achieve it may not always be good. Laser acne treatment is topical and thus eliminates the hormonal side effects which may cause problems within other areas of the body.
Excessive stress or anxiety can cause breakouts or increase your existing acne.
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While acne may have many triggers, stress and anxiety are known to be the common ones, especially among women. Stress is known to trigger the release of cortisol from the adrenaline glands which may then result in other hormonal imbalances, thus resulting in acne. It is thus important for you to manage stress levels in your life to correct the underlying conditions. Laser acne treatments can easily treat long-lasting acne scars on your face as well as acne.