Mch - Plastic Surgeon , MS - General Surgery, MBBS
Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon, Hyderabad
28 years experience
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Which of these are the best means of treating acne scars?
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The most crucial means of avoiding acne scars is avoiding acne and treating it at the earliest. When the acne starts developing there are various over the counter topical creams as well as oral medications that aid in treating the acne and prevent causing scars. When the scars are already there, it is recommended to avoid sun exposure along with taking suitable measures. Always use a high-quality sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to prevent acne scars.
Which of these is the primary cause of acne?
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Acne is a kind of skin disorder which leads to outbreaks of skin lesions which is commonly referred to as pimples. It is normally caused by the oil glands of the skin which produces too much of sebum that is an oily substance leading to clogging of pores. It can occur in the neck, chest, back, and shoulders though it is commonly found in the facial region. Although acne is not a serious health condition, severe acne may cause disfiguring and even permanent scarring.
Comedo is one of the most common forms of acne.
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Comedo which comes in two variants, blackheads and whiteheads are the two most common versions of acne lesions occurring due to a plugged pore. When the plugged pore is under the skin, it is called as closed comedo and leads to a whitehead. On the other hand, blackheads are those comedos which open up and appear blackish from the surface of the skin. This is not because of the dirt but owing to the excess amount but because of the reaction between air and the excess oil. Try to keep the skin clean and dry and avoid oily fries and junk food as much as possible.
Pimples and nodules are more severe types of acne.
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Pustules, which is commonly referred to as pimples are acne lesions containing pus and appear red at the bottom and are generally painful. On the other hand, the nodules are serious acne issues lodging deep within the skin and cause more pain than the pimples. If you have excessive growth of pimples and nodules, you should use over the counter topical creams which can reduce the allergic reactions.
Hormone change is one of the vital reasons behind acne issues in women.
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Hormone changes during puberty and as an adult are the most important reasons that trigger acne problems. At the time of puberty, girls have a sudden rise in the androgen levels which make the glands to get larger and produce more sebum. Other hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause improve acne in some individuals, but some people suffer from worst acne conditions during these periods. If you have a serious level of acne issues, you must consider consulting with a dermatologist.