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Acne - Can Consuming Too Much Milk Cause it?

MD - Dermatology, MBBS
Dermatologist, Nagpur  •  24 years experience
Acne - Can Consuming Too Much Milk Cause it?
You should stay away from sugary foods and beverages for healthy skin.
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Acne - Can Consuming Too Much Milk Cause it?
Why is it necessary to avoid charred and blackened delicacies?
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Acne - Can Consuming Too Much Milk Cause it?
For clear and healthy skin, you must avoid all spicy food.
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Acne - Can Consuming Too Much Milk Cause it?
Which of the following food items can help prevent skin dryness and flaking?
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Acne - Can Consuming Too Much Milk Cause it?
Consuming too much cow s milk will lead to skin problems such as acne.
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