What are some indications that it is time to treat your back pain surgically?
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Back pain can be debilitating. While some pain may allow for a person to be mobile, severe pain can immobilize the patient for prolonged periods. This affects overall health and a vicious cycle of other health disorders like obesity and diabetes set in. This is when surgical approaches need to be looked at. If you know someone who has chronically suffered from back pain, get them to review surgical treatment options.
What are some surgical options for low back pain?
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The spine allows for movement of the body and the limbs. However, due to various issues with the spinal disk, both movement and quality of life can be affected. Depending on the exact location of the problem and the extent of damage, a surgical treatment will be planned. While this will ensure the problem is treated at the root level, subsequent measures should be followed to prevent relapse. Understanding what the surgical process entails will help in following postop instructions.
What are the deciding factors which will determine if a person has to go for back surgery?
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While some people want the pain to go away, others would expect the spine surgery to be a magical wand that will end all their problems. Starting from pain relief to ability to move about, all problems are expected to be gone in a whoosh! So, it is important to use the patient s expectations and accordingly decide if surgery is the right option for the patient. Setting the right expectations prior to surgery is very important to avoid disappointments, both for the doctor and the patient.
Surgical correction is a permanent cure to low back pain
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Surgical correction definitely treats the existing condition, but does not ensure there would be no relapse. This can happen if the surgery is not followed up with suitable lifestyle changes including exercise and movement patterns. Post operation instructions are to be followed strictly to ensure the success of the surgery.
Back pain can return even after surgical correction
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Surgical corrections for back pain are considered permanent solutions. However, post operation phase plays an important role and should be followed strictly to avoid the problem, either in the same location or elsewhere in the spinal column. Carefully follow instructions relating to exercise, movement, other equipment use, and follow accordingly. If you have had recurrent back pain for long periods, being extra vigilant about avoiding a recurrence is helpful.